Pintrest Fail: So You Think You Can Remove Mold?

by Karen Ekstrom

 By Mary Claire Ekstrom

Well, the failure started when we found a Pin-That-Shall-Not-Be-Named on Pinterest. It took us to a blog that raved that this was THE method to remove mold. “Soak cotton balls in bleach, and in an hour, the mold will be gone!”

I’ll give you a hint… It didn’t work.

But, Karen and I wanted to surprise Dad with a clean shower, so we of course, tried it.

Here’s some of the mold. 


Day 1:

We placed the bleach-soaked cotton balls around the edges of Dad’s shower. 

We let them sit for an extra hour, just to make sure. There was no difference. We put the cotton balls back.

After 6 hours, we checked -no difference we let them sit overnight.

I let Dad use my shower in the meantime.


Day 2:

Dad woke me up at 7:00am, asking to use my shower.

I lifted my head, one eye open, the other fluttering. “What?” My throat croaked “…Oh, oh yeah… you can just use it, don’t wake me up.” I flapped my hand around and fell back on my pillow.

Later, we took the cotton balls off, but there was little improvement. The stench was so great, I held my nose. So we put newly soaked cotton balls there.

Day 3: 

I found some of Dad’s leg hair stuck on the curtain of my shower. I groaned.

I went to Dad’s shower and peeked at the mold and… No improvement.

I found one of those paper medical-looking masks. Strapped it on. Then, poured more bleach over the cotton balls,  letting them sit for another full day.

Day 4:

I woke up at 7:30 a.m. – WAY too early- and stumbled to the restroom.

Eyes half-closed, I opened the door.

The bright lights shocked my eye balls. I winced and flicked them off.

Dad peeked his head behind the shower curtain. “Can you wait a minute, Mary Claire?”

I screamed. Ran out.

Later, we DOUSED those stupid, reeking balls with bleach.

Dad helped.


But, much to our dismay, the mold would not let go of it’s stinky grip.

Aside from the fun of tediously placing soaked cotton balls along all edges of the shower… And the fun of working in a poorly ventilated room, swirling with the smell of bleach and wet mold… And the fun of sharing a shower with an early bird father, we do not recommend this method.

Our grout sucks.

If yours is perfect, try it!

But we are currently avoiding this shower, so we, too, do not smell of nasty wet mold and bleach. Because we try to remain sexy while we type away at Flunking Family.

So we can take pictures like this:


And this:


(From The Time My Boyfriend Fell Asleep)

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