Flunking Family

Perfect Boiled Shrimp ~ Every Time!

~ Boiling Shrimp ~

It’s so easy most people mess it up!


2 lbs. of Shrimp

16 cups of Water


1 tsp of Salt



Thaw and Rinse Shrimp in a strainer.

Get a big pot. (Don’t crowd the shrimp.)

Pour in 16 cups of water.

Cut lemon in half. Squeeze both halves into a strainer to get rid of seeds.

Throw the lemons in the water.

Add Salt.

Bring to a boil.

While the water is boiling, get a large bowl and fill it with approximately 3 times the amount of ice as shrimp.

Set aside, somewhere close so ou can immediately toss the cooked shrimp into it.

When the water is boiling rapid, carefully put shrimp in.

Timing here is crucial.

Let it cook for two minutes. Pull pot off heat.

(Shrimp should be pink-ish and curled tighter.)

Pull a shrimp out, blow on it to cool it, then taste it.

If it tastes perfect, pour the shrimp into a strainer, then toss into the bowl of ice.

If not, let shrimp cook for another 30 seconds. Then pull it off.

(That’s assuming you spent 30 seconds tasting the last shrimp. Don’t cook longer than 4 minutes! And really, that’s probably too long. Three minutes is usually the magic number.)

Toss shrimp in ice numerous times to stop the shrimp from cooking further.

Pour melted water off. Toss shrimp more.

Cool that shrimp down!

Pour water off again.

Serve and Enjoy!

(Want a fabulous recipe for cocktail sauce? Here you go…https://flunkingfamily.com/homemade-cocktail-sauce-zip/)



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