Flunking Family

Delicious Avocado, Bacon & Nuts Dip!

Delicious & Different

~ Avocado Dip ~


1 1/2 large Avocados

1/4 cup cooked and chopped Bacon Bits

1/2 cup of chopped Nuts

1/8 cup of your favorite Salsa

3/4 tsp of Worcestershire Sauce

A splash or two of Tabasco

Salt and Pepper to taste

I made this dip on a wing and a prayer. With a little foo-foo-ing, it turned out DELICIOUS!

First off. I mixed the avocados, bacon bits and nuts together and tasted.

Even with the salt on the nuts, it needed more.

So, I salted and peppered.

But, it needed more… So I added a splash of tabasco and 3/4 tsp of Worcestershire Sauce.


Much better… But…

So, I pulled out the salsa, measured an 1/8 of a cup and mixed it in.

Then tasted.

Oh my gosh… It was FABULOUS!

(But just to be sure, I gave my husband a taste… He agreed. He actually used the word EXCELLENT!)

So, I feel confident in saying, you will like this!






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