Flunking Family

In My Continuing Quest For Perfection ~ The Kitchen Drawers ~

Organizing drawers seems useless and time-consuming, I’ll admit. After all, not many visitors go scrounging through drawers, but if your drawers are as cluttered as ours were, it’s easy to spend an inordinate amount of time searching for that one freakin’ thing.

Organization is all about putting things where they go, and when you categorize each drawer, everything has a place to be, making a clutter-free space.

The Hot-Stuff Drawer

(Used for grilling utensils, and things that measure and make fire)



What Happened: 

I used a shoebox lid to combine all lighters and small matches. The matchboxes and toothpick boxes hold the lighters in place.

All of the longer items went to the back, and the shorter ones sat in the front.




What Happened:

As it turns out, most of the things in our what-not drawer were office supplies! Whodda thunk it? Some of it was more crafty, so I moved it to my nephew’s craft drawer. The rubber band bag had broke, throwing them into every crevasse, so I simply got a new bag. I also put away all the pens into one box. And, to keep the small items from shuffling around, I used small, old-jewelry boxes to keep them in place.

Don’t-Put-Your-Hand-In-There Drawer

(Otherwise known as Miscellaneous Sharp-Things Drawer) 



What Happened:

We had an extra drawer organizer, which worked great with some of the small knives and bottle openers. We had a lot of  that white powder “Flower Food” in there plumping up the drawer quite a bit. So once those packets were removed and the big pie servers went into the pie and cake pan drawer, we were able to rearrange things without getting our hands sliced. Woohoo!

Cooking-Tools Drawer



What Happened:

Grilling stuff went into the Hot-Stuff Drawer. The stuffed animal was returned to my nephew’s room. Tongs and wooden spoons were put in the new Salad Bowl Cabinet (see below). Then, everything was lined up into categories, with handles facing right.

Mystery Cabinet



What Happened:

Moved the shelf up, so the cabinet could hold platters and bowls from our pantry. Everything else was distributed to their correct spots in the kitchen. Also, moving all the salad serving tools down here cleared up a lot of drawer space.

And there you are… Perfection!

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